kwik links to years below

The Metric month is the four-week period of the quaternary Metric World Calendar which lasts 28 days, with the exception of Central Month in the middle of the year and, once every four years, Late Southwest Month at the end of the year, which last 29 days and have one eight-day week (the second in Central and the fourth in Late Southwest). Every such month one idea, aphorism or statement receives special attention in a trailer of the main document. It is called "the Note of the Metric Month". Such a 'note' may be serious or profound at one time and funny or light-hearted at another — it just can't be predicted.

Until the 57th year after the end of the Second World War, that is, the year 57 inclusive, the Notes of the Metric Months were put together in one file. As this file was getting too long, they are now collected in files which cover four years and therefore contain 52 notes. The first ASWW year of each file is divisible by four, but the first document does not contain any new and unique notes of the year 52 aSWW: the collection of such notes actually starts with the Note of the 53rd 'Mid-Northeast Month' (the compass name of 'Northern Mid-Yule', the Model name used originally).

The current eight documents attached to this branch of Notes follow in chronological order below. Where the titles of the separate Notes are mentioned as well, they are being listed in alphabetical order, apart from the or a(n). (The number after the title, between 1 and 52, is the number of the Note in the document in which it appears.)

Notes of the Metric Months from 52 to 55 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 56 to 59 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 60 to 63 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 64 to 67 aSWW

Antiterrorists in Uganda (18) | Baby-farming (50) | Babylonian love (1) | The Calvinist hysteron proteron (27) | Created a (K)night (41) | 'Don't ask, don't tell' (22) | Double Dutch (11) | Down with Michelangelo (3) | Earthy irrelevantism (21) | The enemy of my enemy (32) | Equal as pawns and minions (26) | The fast food of fanatical faith (8) | The fight against antisemitism (17) | Five in a row (34) | The fourth Midwinter Day (14) | A giant leap, a big mistake (16) | How 'all Thais' are monarchists (7) | In the sanctuary of pluralism (4) | A long candle (30) | Mary of Nazareth (31) | Masters in violational linguistics (44) | More than 5,000 times news (28) | Mortal philosophy (38) | The most Christian country (35) | The most important thing to discover (20) | The mother of God (52) | Mozi's universal love, 24 centuries ago (13) | Myth, like rust, corrupts (51) | Need a degree? (33) | 'Neo'? (23) | Not eating with Jews or Muslims (10) | The phobia (47) | Picking your pocket (46) | A pretty affordable past time (9) | PTL (19) | Raping truth (37) | Religious numbers (1): 9410 (39) | 'Representatives of all religions' (15) | A sexist convention (45) | Sick parasites (12) | A smidgen (29) | Still celebrating (e)X(ism)-mas? (40) | That of an auctioneer (5) | Their goals are gaols (2) | There is nothing against them (25) | Thrilling two birds with one bone (36) | The Tibetan-speaking people and Lamaism (48) | To hell with what? (24) | To live on in your work (42) | 2 or 10 cups (49) | Under the rug (6) | 文森特的文斗 (Wénsēntè de wéndòu) (43)

Notes of the Metric Months from 68 to 71 aSWW

Bi universalis (12) | Bullshit or cowshit? (34) | Chimpanzee and bonobo religions (8) | Citizens and sycophants (5) | A debate about (body) thetans? (45) | The destroyer's measure word (6) | Dutch minister a crazy critter (47) | The Dutch 'office park' (42) | The end of a calendar that of the world? (11) | Excuse: 借口 (jièkŏu) (17) | Fair words make language alliterate (11) | The fool is looking too (4) | Free will for dummies in a jiffy (52) | From the one to the other (13) | Futuristic signs (37) | Going non-rhotic (21) | 'Happily married' (43) | If i were a Christian ... (22) | If there were a creator of deities ... (44) | 'If you don't believe ...' (1) (14) | 'If you don't believe ...' (2) (15) | iphobia (16) | Is it true? (35) | Jesus saves (18) | The 'latest' war (48) | Let schools of thought contend (26) | Liberation and liberation (7) | 爱人人 (ài rénrén): Loving everybody (1) | The manipulation of symbols (30) | Menswear section (31) | Money and justice (38) | 19 times responsible (19) | No peace, security and freedom (29) | Not all animals are equally stupid (24) | Not all heterosexists created equal (39) | Obsolete Afrikaans? (51) | Partial cultural relativism (40) | A particular mythology (27) | The pope-sniffing media (3) | Preaching to the ostriches (50) | A pubic square (25) | Radical measures against terrorism (28) | A revolution in Catholicia (33) | Spread and split rapidly (32) | Train of thought (49) | Two thirds of Russians hate Tchaikovsky (2) | An unashamed poet (23) | Veils for women, diapers for goats (9) | What is your WORN? (36) | Why i am not a Why i am not-ter (20) | Why to cum is wrong (46) | The work of chthonic deities (41)

Notes of the Metric Months from 72 to 75 aSWW

The alcoholic's six Gregorian months (41) | An alliterative arrangement (10) | Also three sexes on Earth (29) | "Anglo­phile?" (42) | A confused daddy (44) | "Corona?" (48) | A country view, not a worldview (19) | Creativity versus creationism (12) | A culture-de-sac (39) | Drowning soccer players (23) | The erotic middle path (7) | Excessive irrelevantism in German (20) | Five working rules (1) (14) | Five working rules (2) (15) | Five working rules (3) (16) | Five working rules (4) (17) | Five working rules (5) (18) | From Sodom and Gomorrah to Auschwitz and Treblinka (34) | The greater the less (2) | Hetero- and homo­sexuality do not exist (43) | Human civilization (35) | In the land of alliteration (47) | The latest executive order (4) | Luckily, the divine is safely far away (49) | "Me using your right?" (50) | The more humans the more idiots too (51) | A 'more inclusive' religion (3) | A natural New Year (40) | Not even with a sixteen-foot pole (38) | Notty's proverb (52) | Nothing mad or magical (31) | Notty's regular knowledge and irregular snow (36) | The number of irrational people (28) | One nation, neutral and inclusive (13) | The one peace is not the other (9) | Pious and of irreproachable conduct (6) | Rereadable (25) | Retro­fitting in biology (26) | Row boat? (30) | SDG? and SPE? (33) | Surprise in, surprise out (45) | Talk without a cane (8) | Think thrice (21) | Thou shalt not lie a lie (27) | The tip of the Islamic iceberg (5) | Total-Bible literalists (1) | Values or whims (46) | A Vatican against divorce (22) | Vying for Abrahamic exclusionism (37) | What about cherry-picking? (11) | Why not (24) | Woofs without a warp (32)

Notes of the Metric Months from 76 aSWW

Abrahamic theocentrist racism (1) (38) | Abrahamic theocentrist racism (2) (38) | Abrahamic theocentrist sexism (1) (26) | Abrahamic theocentrist sexism (2) (27) | Abrahamic theocentrist sexism (3) (28) | Also in Canada (13) | "Are you one of those fucking atheists?" (2) | An atheist inspired by theists (24) | The 'bananity' of the American Republic (47) | Celebrate and prepare (6) | A cowbuoy (32) | Descartes clearly and distinctly theocentristic (44) | The Eleventh Commandment (51) | Excess for all? (22) | First basking in the sunshine (7) | The first same-sex marriage (37) | Forever gone fast as an arrow (43) | Freedom of religious exclusionism in Cuba (19) | How explodism undermines democracy (34) | Identitarianism and the individual person (21) | Impotence (4) | Intriguing arithmetic (3) | A Lutheran father (50) | Mal de terre (49) | Michael the dyslectic way (1) | Monarchist opportunism (8) | A Munchausen sense of parenthood (35) | Names for the right or wrong reason (18) | Not knowing every word (45) | The noxious whole-number bias (41) | A nuclear bomb on Canterbury? (31) | Odd odd, even even (40) | On the stolen state of Egypt (9) | Outre-Manche (11) | A parent-sib who does not gossip (12) | A philosophical edifice de novo (30) | Portions as integers (20) | The religious fear of criticism (1) (14) | The religious fear of criticism (2) (15) | The seasoned masochists of the Bible (46) | Split infinitives and pronouns (23) | Tell and show (25) | Telling (mis)fortunes in England (36) | Thou, man, shalt not translate wrongfully (17) | Throw in the towel (52) | The transsexual god (48) | Two immortalists living on into eternity (42) | The two roads to human destruction (16) | Unmoored from the relevant foundation (10) | The Vatican drowning in its own Rubicon (29) | Vincent dies/died at tomupu (5) | The Vincent van Gogh of philosophy? (33)

Notes of the Metric Months from 80 aSWW