H EI:P1;
H bar(s) EI:P1,
H beam(s) EI:P1,
H bone(s) [ see aitchbone(s)];
H hinge(s) EI:P1, H:S2;
H hour EI:P1,
habit(s) H:P1;
habit(s) of the heart H:P5;
habitual B:P2;
hack(ed/s) H:P1;
haft(s) H:P1;
hail(ed/s) H:P1;
hair(s) H:P1;
haitch(es) H:P1;
halcyon days H:P1;
hale and hearty H:P1;
half/halves H:P1;
half-and-half H:P3;
half-hearted H:P2;
half- holiday(s) H:P1/H:P2;
hall(s) H:P1;
hammer(ed/s) H:P1;
hammer(ed) home H:P3;
hammerhead(s) H:P1;
hand(s) H:P1;
hand in I:P2;
hand in hand H:P3;
handed in I:P3;
handhold(s) H:P1;
handkerchief(s)/handkerchieves H:P1
handmaid(s) H:P1;
handmaiden(s) H:P1;
handout(s) H:P1
handrail(s) H:P1
handsaw(s) H:P1,
hand-to-hand H:P3;
handwheel(s) H:P1
handwork H:P1
handwoven H:P1/D:P2;
handwriting H:P1
hang/hung H:P1;
hang/hung heavy on (you) H:P2;
hapless H:P1;
happen(ed) H:P1;
happen(ed) (on / upon) H:P1;
happy H:P1;
happy as a clam at high tide AE:S3,
happy hunting-ground H:P3;
harass(ed) H:P1/R:P2;
harassment(s) H:P1/R:P2;
harbinger(s) H:P1;
hard(-hit) H:P1;
hard of hearing H:P3;
hard on your heels H:P4;
harden(ed) H:P1;
harden(ed) your heart(s) H:P4;
hard-headed H:P2;
hard-hearted H:P2;
hard-hitting [ adj] H:P1;
hardihood H:P1;
hardly H:P1;
hare(s) H:P1;
harlot(s) H:P1;
harpy/harpies H:P1;
harry/harried H:P1;
harsh H:P1;
harvest(s) H:P1;
harvest-hand(s) H:P1;
haste H:P1;
hasten(ed) H:P1;
hastening H:P1;
hate(s)/hated H:P1;
haul(ed) H:P1;
have/had H:P1;
have/had a face like a fiddle F:P6;
have/had a hard row to hoe H:P3;
Have a heart! H:P3;
have/had a hard row to hoe R:S4;
have/had an inkling I:P3;
have/had it at heart H:P4;
have/had had it H:P2;
have/had high hope H:P2;
have/had no inkling I:S3;
have/had other fish to fry A:P2,
have/had the good grace G:P3;
have/had the hots H:P3;
have/had your guts for garters G:P5;
have/had your tongue in your cheek T:P6;
haven(s) H:P1;
hawk(s) H:P1;
hay H:P1;
H- bomb(s) EI:P1/H:P1,
he H:P1;
head(s) of hair H:P3;
head over heels H:P4;
headache(s) H:P1
head- hunter(s) H:P1;
head-hunting H:P1;
headline(s) H:P1;
health H:P1;
heap(ed/s) H:P1;
heap(ed) coals of fire on your head H:S1,
hear(d) H:P1;
hearing H:P1;
h[e]arken(ed) H:P1;
heart(s) H:P1;
hearth(s) H:P1;
hearth and home H:P3;
heart-to-heart H:P3;
hearty H:P1;
heat H:P1;
heave(d) H:P1;
heave(d) a groan H:S1,
heave(d) a sigh H:S1;
heave-and-haul(ed) H:P1;
heave ho H:P1;
heave-ho(s) H:P1;
heaven (help you) H:P1;
(the) heavens H:P1;
heavenward H:P1;
heavenwards H:P1;
heavy (with) H:P1;
(a) heavy heart H:P1;
heavy-handed H:P3;
heavy-hearted H:P3;
hedge(s) H:P1;
hedgehog(s) H:P1;
heel(s) H:P1;
hegemony [ if g pron. |DZH| or |dzh|] H:P1/D:P2;
hegemony [ if g pron. |G| or |g|] H:P1/G:P2;
heinous H:P1;
heir(s) E:P1;
hell H:P1;
helm(s) H:P1;
help(ed) H:P1;
help or hindrance H:P1;
helper(s) H:P1;
(a) helping (hand) H:P1;
hem(med) (and haw(ed)) H:P1;
henna(-haired) H:P1;
herald(s)/heralded H:P1;
herald in I:P3;
heralded in I:P4;
herb(s) A:P1/H:P1;
herculean [ or Herculean] (H:S1)
here H:P1;
hetero- [ in compounds] H:S1;
hewers of wood and drawers of water H:S1,
hiatus(es) EI:P2;
hide(s)/hid/hidden H:P1;
hide nor hair H:P1;
hide or hair H:P1;
hidy-hole(s) [ or hidey-hole(s)] H:P1;
high (and low) H:P1;
high on the hog H:P4;
high-handed H:P2;
high-handedness H:P2;
high-hat H:P1;
high-heeled H:P2;
hike(d/s) H:P1;
hilt H:P1;
hinder(ed) H:P1;
hinderer(s) H:P1;
hindmost H:P1;
hindrance H:P1;
hinge(d) on/upon H:P1;
hinge/hinges H:P1;
hip(ped/s) H:P1;
hip-hop H:P1;
hirsute H:P1/S:P2;
history/histories H:P1;
histrionic H:S1,
histrionics H:S1,
hit(s) H:P1;
hit the hay H:P3;
hit the headlines H:P3;
hit the nail on the head N:S3,
hitch(es) H:P1;
hitch- hike(d) H:P1;
hitch-hiker(s) H:P1;
hither H:P1;
hither and thither H:P1, DH:P4/TH:P4;
hoar H:P1;
hoary H:P1;
hoard(ed/s) H:P1;
hobby-horse(s) H:P1;
hodgepodge H:P1;
hog(s) H:P1;
hokum H:P1;
hold/held H:P1;
hold/held hands H:P2;
hold/held in I:P2;
hold/held it dear H:S1,
hold/held out hope H:P3;
hold/held you dear H:S1,
hold/held your head(s) high H:P4;
hold/held your head(s) up H:S1,
Hold your horses! H:P3;
hole(s) H:P1;
hollow H:P1;
hollyhock(s) H:P1;
holy H:P1;
home(d) in (on) H:S1,
home(s) H:P1;
(a) home from home H:P1;
home help(s) H:P2;
homeland(s) H:P1,
homo- [ in compounds] H:S1;
honest AH:P1/O:P1;
honesty AH:P1/O:P1;
[ or honour] AH:P1/O:P1;
honor(ed) [ or honour(ed)] AH:P1/O:P1;
honorable [ or honourable] AH:P1/O:P1;
hoodwink(ed) H:P1,
hooey H:P1;
hoot(ed) H:P1;
hoot the horn H:P3;
hoot your horn H:P3;
hooted the horn H:P4;
hooted your horn H:P4;
hop(ped) H:P1;
hope(d/s) H:P1;
hope against hope H:P1;
horde(s) H:P1;
horizon(s) R:P2;
horn(s) H:P1;
horn(ed) in (on) H:S1;
horned H:P1;
horn(ed) in (on) I:P2;
horny H:P1;
(as) horny as hell H:P4;
horror of horrors H:P4;
horse(s) H:P1;
horsehair H:P1;
hospitable H:P1/SP:P2;
hospital(s) H:P1;
hostile H:P1;
hot H:P1;
hot dog(s) H:P1/D:P2;
hotel(s) T:P2;
hothead(s) H:P1;
hotheaded H:P2;
hothouse(s) H:P1;
(the) hots H:P1;
hot-tempered H:S1,
hound(ed) H:P1;
hound(s) H:P1;
hour(s) AU:P1;
house(s) H:P1;
household(s) H:P1;
householder(s) H:P1;
how H:P1;
however W:P2/E:P2;
howsoever E:P3;
H-shaped EI:P1, SH:S2;
hubris H:P1;
hue(s) H:P1;
hug(ged) H:P1;
hum(med) (and haw(ed)) H:P1;
human(s) H:P1/J:P1;
humor [ or humour] H:P1/J:P1;
humorous H:P1/J:P1;
hunger(ed) (for) H:P1;
hunger(ed) after H:P1,
hunt(s)/hunted H:P1;
hunt with the hounds H:P4;
hunted with the hounds H:P5;
hunting- ground(s) H:P1;
hurry/hurried H:P1;
hurt(s)/hurted H:P1;
husband(s) H:P1;
hush-hush H:P2;
hybris H:P1;
hydro- [ in compounds] H:S1;
hype(d/s) H:P1;
hyper- [ in compounds] H:S1;
hyperbole(s) P:P2,